
Monday, September 27, 2010

First Day of Work :)

Today I started my new job at San Mateo Credit Union as their Marketing Program Coordinator. It was a very exciting and somewhat overwhelming experience. This morning I got up, got dressed and walked about 15 minutes to the train station in our neighborhood. I rode the Cal train, for the first time, about 25 miles to Redwood City and then walked another 15 minutes to my new office building.

My first day was full of training, listening to welcoming words from some of the senior managers and watching several videos on a variety of topics. I received my new email address, my ID security badge, and was introduced to my benefits package. For lunch, I was treated to some of the best Thai food I've ever had and to a welcoming jolt of caffeine from Starbucks.

The office complex is pretty neat. It is actually a fairly new modern glass building that was constructed for a dot com start up before the company folded. On the first and third floors are the corporate offices for the credit union with the second floor being leased out to a software firm. My new office is complete with a full service, fully staffed cafeteria and a pool table.

Tomorrow I continue some training and get my formal tour of the entire building and then on Wednesday...I have a lot of work to do I'm told. So grateful to be working here. Thank you for all of your prayers and support!

Ben Lee

Friday, September 24, 2010

Big News :)

So I can't seem to get the full video working on here :( BUMMER! I posted the video on Facebook instead!

Ben accepted a position as Marketing Program Coordinator at San Mateo Credit Union today!!!

More details to come...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Beautiful View

Three weeks ago I started classes at Golden Gate Seminary. I have been slowly working on my masters for the last three years. I go every Monday night from 6:30 - 9:30 to study Christian Theology. I want to share more details about my experience so far in another post. For now, I wanted to share this amazing view I see every week. Golden Gate Seminary is in Mill Valley across the Golden Gate Bridge north of the city. When the fog is absent, the most beautiful picture of the city appears!

*This is just from my phone. My goal is to bring my camera next week!

What an amazing place to live?!?! I am grateful for the opportunity Ben and I have to live and serve here!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Epic Kids Baby Shower

The Epic Baby Shower was a huge success and all the credit goes to everyone who participated, spread the word and sent gifts! We were overwhelmed at the end of the night realizing that people from 10 different states and two other countries were a part of this. I can't adequately express what an impact this will have on Epic Church. We are set up with EVERYTHING we need to kick off Epic Kids on October 10!!! Here are some pictures and a video documenting the night! Thanks again to everyone who joined in!

*I stacked the gifts ahead of time so each family would have a pile to open.

* There were soooo many gifts I had to open some ahead of time, get rid of the boxes and stack them in the corner to make room for our team to fit in the apartment!

* There were 18 of us sharing in the fun! Instead of cake we had cookies - I had too much fun painting the Epic Kids logo on them!

Last but not least take a minute to watch this video from the shower and a special message of thanks from Ben Pilgreen!