
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Our Journey West

A year and a half ago Ben and I took our very first trip to San Francisco, CA. We sensed God leading us to be a part of a team that would be starting a church. We came with two other couples to explore the area and left confident that we would indeed be following God to The Foggy City. Our goal was to move to SF around June 1, 2010. We have spent the past 17 months preparing for this life transition.

Along the way Epic Church was birthed and others have joined our team. We have read books and asked a ton of questions. We have been richly blessed by our former church and have said "see you later" to best friends. We have prayed through it all and God has answered us (not always like we wanted or thought he would). We have experienced God's faithfulness and his love for us. The day for moving has always seemed far off so when the end of May rolled around I couldn't believe how quickly time had passed.

A little over a week ago we left Tuscaloosa, AL and began our journey west. After 8 states and 71 hours traveling we arrived last Monday! Our overwhelming excitement was divided between being in our new home and finally getting out of the Penske Truck. Here are couple of pictures from the road!

We have spent the past couple of days getting settled into our new apartment, exploring the city and becoming residents of California (this includes a difficult written test for a driver's license and a smog test for the Camry). We absolutely love where we live! Here is a sneak peak at the apartment (I'll post more after we hang stuff on the walls) and one of the city!

Thanks for sharing in this journey with us -
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  1. What an exciting time! So glad to find your blog and be able to keep up with u! I will definitely be praying!

  2. Excited to follow your blog and hear the journey from your point of view!

  3. Yay! I love that you have a blog. I can't wait to see and hear how God is going to use ya'll! Your place looks big compared to what I have seen in SF! We are praying!!

  4. Lindsey!!! I'm SO excited to keep up with you guys too!!! Your place and town look awesome!! Will keep praying for you guys and can't wait to hear more about how God is using you and Ben! Much love!
